May 5, 2023
Events for the Week of May 8th:
-Tuesday, May 9th: --3rd-8th Grade Math STAAR --Algebra I EOC --Closed Campus --PreK & Kindergarten Field Trip to Amarillo Zoo --Superint...

April 28, 2023
Events for the Week of May 1st (Teacher Appreciation Week!):
-Tuesday, May 2nd: --5th & 8th Grade Science STAAR --Biology EOC --All students to school at regular time
April 21, 2023
Events for the Week of April 24th:
-Tuesday, April 25th --3rd-8th Reading STAAR Test --English I EOC --1st & 2nd Grade Field Trip --10th, 11th, & 12th Grade NonTesting Stud...

April 14, 2023
Events for the Week of April 17th:
-Monday, April 17th: --Royal Cafe & Extended Lunch for Honorable Citizens --Golf Regionals in Lubbock --BOGO Bookfair 7:30am-5:00pm
April 7, 2023
Events for the Week of April 10th:
-Monday, April 10th: --No School for Students
-Tuesday, April 11th: --Begin 6th 6 Weeks
-Thursday, April 13th: --Report Card Da...
March 31, 2023
Events for the Week of April 3rd:
-Wednesday, April 5th: --High School District Track Meet at Miami --Booster Club Meeting at 7:00pm in Auditorium --Paraprofessional Apprec...

March 18, 2023
Events for the Week of March 20th:
-Monday, March 20th: --Tennis WT Invitational at Borger
-Tuesday, March 21st: --High School District Golf at Hidden Hills

March 3, 2023
Events for the Week of March 6th:
-Monday, March 6th: --Lady Pirates Golf Tournament at Borger --Royal Cafe/Extended Lunch for Honorable Citizens --Braums Trip for A Honor ...

February 24, 2023
Events for the Week of February 27th:
-Monday, February 27th: --3rd-8th Math, Algebra I, English II Interim Assessments --Senior CPR Training --Cheer Tryout Clinic 4:00-5:0...

February 17, 2023
Events for the Week of February 20th:
-Monday, February 20: --NO School
-Tuesday, February 21: --5th 6 Weeks Begins --Cheer Parent Meeting at 6:00pm in Auditorium
February 10, 2023
Events for the Week of February 13th:
-Tuesday, February 14th: --Pirate Basketball Vs. Follett at Lefors at 7:00pm
-Thursday, February 16th: --Last Day of 4th 6 Weeks ...
February 3, 2023
Events for the Week of February 6th:
-Monday, February 6th: --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Vs. Darrouzett at Darrouzett at 5:30pm
-Tuesday, February 7th: --Pirate &...
January 27, 2023
Events for the Week of January 30th: -Monday, January 30th: --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Game Vs. Ft. Elliott at Lefors at 5:30pm -Tuesday, January 31st: --Pira...

January 20, 2023
Events for the Week of January 23rd:
-Monday, January 23rd: --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Vs. Follett at Follett at 5:30pm
-Tuesday, January 24th: --Pirate & Lady Pi...
January 13, 2023
Events for the Week of January 16th:
-Monday, January 16th: --NO School for Students --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Vs. Kelton at Lefors at 5:30pm
-Tuesday, January ...
January 7, 2023
Events for the Week of January 9th: -Monday, January 9th : --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Vs. Miami at Lefors at 5:30pm -Thursday, January 12th: --Report Card Day ...
January 2, 2023
Events for the Week of January 2nd:
-Monday, January 2nd: --Winter Break - NO School
-Tuesday, January 3rd: --Winter Break - NO School --Pirate & Lady Pirate Basketbal...
December 10, 2022
Events for the Week of December 12th:
-Monday, December 12th: --Family Science Night 5:00pm-6:00pm --Pancake Dinner at 6:00pm in Cafeteria
-Tuesday, December 13th: --P...
December 2, 2022
Events for the Week of December 5th:
-Monday, December 5th: --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Vs. McLean at McLean at 5:30 --3rd-8th Grade Math & Algebra 1 Interim Assessme...

November 25, 2022
Events for the Week of November 28th: -Monday, November 28th: --Bandit & Lady Bandit Basketball Vs. Darrouzett at Lefors at 5:30pm -Tuesday, November 29th: --...