If you plan to join your child for Thanksgiving Lunch this Thursday, November 21st, please be sure to RSVP by the end of today. Each student is welcome to have two adults join them due to the large number of attendees.
Today is the final day to confirm your attendance. Please call 806-835-2533 to RSVP.
Thank you, and we look forward to celebrating with you!

Congratulations to the Elementary and Junior High UIL Contestants!
2nd Chess Puzzle:
-4th Place- Callahan Cobb
-3rd Place Team (C. Cobb, G. Hall, N. Rosalez)
4th Chess Puzzle:
-3rd Place Team- (N. Caywood, Jase Franks, D. Lewis)
4th Spelling: 4th Place:
- Milly McFarland
4th Ready Writing: 5th Place:
-Milly McFarland
5th Chess Puzzle:
-1st Place- Logan Poplin
-4th Place- Railyn Ward
-1st Place Team- (L. Poplin, N. Arroyo, R. Ward)
5th Grade Listening:
-6th Place- Dalton Taylor
5th Grade Music Memory:
-6th Place- Railyn Ward
6th Chess Puzzle:
-6th Place- Ryker McFarland
6th Dictionary Skills:
-5th Place- Alex Udave
6th Impromptu Speaking:
-2nd Place- Roselynn Soto
6th Math:
-2nd Place- Ryker McFarland
- 3rd Place Team (R. McFarland, J. Arroyo, C. Bernson)
6th Oral Reading:
-2nd Place- Gabe Goodwin
6th Spelling: 1st Place:
- Ryker McFarland
-3rd Place- Roselynn Soto
-4th Place- Gatlin Young
-1st Place Team (R. McFarland, R. Soto, G. Young)
6th Ready Writing: 4th Place:
- Ryker McFarland
7th Chess Puzzle:
-1st Place- Kennedy Nguyen
-4th Place- Aston Howell
-5th Place- Xander Alcozer
- 1st Place Team (K. Nguyen, A. Howell, X. Alcozer)
8th Chess Puzzle:
-6th Place- Koleton Furgerson
- 3rd Place Team (K. Furgerson, J. Carlton, O. Klein)
8th Impromptu Speaking:
-6th Place- Kylee Hanen
8th Music Memory:
-4th Place- Tyson Franks

The Lady Pirate Basketball game against Booker has been rescheduled. The game will now be on Saturday, November 23rd at 2:00pm in Lefors.

Events for the Week of November 18th: -Monday, November 18th: --Bandit Basketball v. Pringle-Morse at Lefors at 5:00pm -Tuesday, November 19th: --3rd-5th Grade Math Interim --Pirate & Lady Pirate Basketball v. Highland Park at Highland Park at 6:30pm -Thursday, November 21st: --3rd-5th Reading Interim --Thanksgiving Lunch --Pirate Basketball Tournament at Claude -Friday, November 22nd: --Pirate Basketball Tournament at Claude --Lady Pirate Basketball v. Booker at Lefors at 6:00pm -Saturday, November 23rd: ----Pirate Basketball Tournament at Claude

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Pirate Basketball game in Channing has been cancelled. The Lady Pirates will still play as scheduled.

If your child lives in Pampa and participated in UIL today, they will meet you at the bus stop in Pampa in the Pirate Bus. If your child lives in Lefors, they will be a few minutes late getting back.

Please call ahead to have your badge ready if you plan to come to the Veterans Program today at 10:00am. The line will be long!

The Pirate Basketball game scheduled for Tuesday, November 12th against Fort Elliott has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. The Lady Pirate Basketball game will continue as scheduled.

The Junior High Basketball games against Fritch on November 11th have been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts.

Events for the Week of November 11, 2024:
-Monday, November 11th:
---Veteran's Day
---Veteran's Day Program at 10:00am
-Tuesday, November 12th:
---6th-8th Math, Algebra I, & English II Interim Assessments
--4th & 5th Grade Field Trip
---High School Basketball v. Caprock JV/Fort Elliott at Lefors at 6:00pm
-Wednesday, November 13th:
---6th-8th RLA, English I Interim Assessments
-Thursday, November 14th:
---District Elementary & Junior High UIL Academic Contest in Claude
-Friday, Novemeber 15th:
---Fall Picture Retakes
--- Lady Pirate Basketball vs. Channing at Channing at 4:30pm

To help protect our new gym floor, we ask that fans only bring water into the gym. All other beverages and food must be consumed or disposed of before entering the gym.
The cafeteria will be open during home games, offering a variety of concession items for fans to enjoy before entering the gym.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us keep our gym floor in excellent condition!

Admission prices for Basketball for the 2024-2025 are as stated below:
Junior High games: $3.00 for adults and $1.00 for students
High School games: $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for students

If you are planning on attending the awards assembly tomorrow please call the front office to get a badge made.
Elementary assembly at 8:20
JH and HS assembly at 9:00.
Also if you are planning to attend the Veterans Day program Monday at 10am please call the front office to have a badge made.

Events for the Week of November 4, 2024
-Monday, November 4th:
-Tuesday, November 5th:
--Begin 3rd 6 Weeks
--Election Day! Go Vote!
-Thursday, November 7th:
--Report Card Day
--Lady Pirate Basketball vs. Memphis at Lefors at 6:00pm
Friday, November 8th:
--Awards Assembly for 2nd 6 Weeks:
-----Elementary at 8:20am
-----JH/HS at 9:10am

The Bandit Football Game tonight is at 5:00pm

Please join us tonight for our Senior Night Presentation for seniors that participated ini Football, Cross Country and Cheer. The presentation will begin at 6:30pm at the Football Field.
Our Bandit Football Game will begin at 5:00pm and our Pirate Football Game will begin at 7:30pm.

If you plan to come to the Black Out PepRally today at 3:15pm in the Auditorium, please call in advance to have your badge ready.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Lady Pirate Basketball game scheduled for Monday, November 4th against Clarendon JV has been canceled.

Our afternoon route bus is running behind today. We apologize for any inconvenienve that this may cause.

Please remember that if you wish for your child to take any medications at school that you must fill out the required forms. If you need one they can be located in the front office. The child's name must be on their prescription. If it is an over-the-counter medication, the child's name must be written on the bottle. All medications will be stored safely in the front office.