Events for the Week of October 28th: -Tuesday, October 29th: --Lady Pirate Basketball Scrimmage at Lefors -Thursday, October 31st --Book Character Dress Up Day -Friday, November 1st: --End of 2nd 6 Weeks --Blackout Pep Rally at 3:15pm in Auditorium --Bandit Football v. Miami at Lefors at 5:00pm --Pirate Football v. Miami at Lefors at 7:30pm --Senior Night at Pirate Football Game for Cheer, Football, & Cross Country -Sunday, November 3rd: --Daylight Saving Time Ends
4 months ago, Lefors ISD
Events for the Week of October 21st: Red Ribbon Week -Monday, October 21st: --Cross Country Send Off at 10:00am --Dress Up Day: "Don't Do Drugs, Follow Your Dream!" - Wear Pajamas (In Dress Code) -Tuesday, October 22nd: --Cross Country Regionals in Lubbock --Dress Up Day: "Too Cool for Drugs" - Wear Shades -Wednesday, October 23rd: --Dress Up Day: "Rally in Red" - Wear Red --PreK, Kinder & 1st Grade Field Trip -Thursday, October 24th: --Kinder & 1st Grade Field Trip --Dress Up Day: "Put a Lid on Drugs" - Wear a Hat -Friday, October 25th: --Bandit Football vs Groom at Groom at 5:00pm --Pirate Football vs Groom at Groom at 7:30pm --Dress Up Day: "Our School is Drug Free" - Show School Spirit! -Saturday, October 26th: --Lady Pirate Basketball Scrimmage in Happy
4 months ago, Lefors ISD
If you are attending "Lunch With Grandparemts" today, you will need to check in at the cafeteria to get your badge. You do not need to check into the front office.
4 months ago, Lefors ISD
Please be sure to call today to reserve a badge if you plan on attending "Lunch with Grandparents" tomorrow! 806-835-2533
4 months ago, Lefors ISD
K-6 basketball 🏀 sign-ups are online now! We hope to enter the White Deer recreational league in November, so please sign up as soon as possible!
4 months ago, Lefors ISD
Events for the Week of October 14th: -Monday, October 14th: --NO SCHOOL -Tuesday, October 15th: --2nd & 3rd Grade Field Trip --BookFair Day #1 --Literacy Night 5:00pm-6:00pm (Come shop the bookfair!) -Wednesday, October 16th: --BookFair Day #2 -Thursday, October 17th: --BookFair Day #3 --Lunch with Grandparents Day --Bandit Pep Rally at 3:25 --JH Football vs. PCHEA at Lefors at 5:00pm -Friday, October 18th: --Final Day of Fall BookFair --Prek-2nd Field Trip -- Pirate Football Bye Week
4 months ago, Lefors ISD
Events for the Week of October 7th: -Monday, October 7th: --Coaches Appreciation Day -Wednesday, October 9th: --JH & HS Cross Country Regionals at Shamrock --1st Grade Parent- Teacher Conferences --National Stop Bullying Day --4th & 5th Grade Field Trip -Thursday, October 10th: --Fall Picture Day -Friday, October 11th: --Bandit Football v. Follett at Lefors at 5:00pm --Pirate Football v. Follett at Lefors at 7:00pm
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Please disregard the previous message. Thank you.
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Don't forget to join us for our 1st Awards Assemblies of this year on Friday, September27th. Be sure to call ahead to order your badge! 806-835-2533. -Elementary at 8:20am -JH/HS at 9:15am
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Events for the Week of September 30th: -Monday, September 30th: --Dress Up Day: "Merica Day" -Tuesday, October 1st: --Dress Up Day: "Wacky/Tacky" --JH & HS Cross Country at Spearman --5th Grade Science Field Trip -Wednesday, October 2nd: --Dress Up Day: "Scuba/Tourist Day" -Thursday, October 3rd: --Dress Up Day: "Jersey/Favorite Team Day" --Homecoming Parade at 7:30pm (Start in front of HS) --Homecoming Bonfire (Following the Parade) Friday, October 4th: --Dress Up Day: "Pirate Spirit Day" --Homecoming PepRally at 3:15pm on Side Lawn --Bandit Football vs. Booker at Lefors at 5:00pm --Homecoming Court at 6:30pm --Pirate Football vs. Booker at 7:00pm -Homecoming!
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Don't forget to join us for our 1st Awards Assemblies of this year on Friday, September27th. Be sure to call ahead today to order your badge! 806-835-2533. -Elementary at 8:20am -JH/HS at 9:15am
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
There will be a Booster Club Meeting at 7:00pm tonight in the Auditorium. We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Just as a reminder, today is an early release at 12:30pm for all students.
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
On Tuesday, September 24th, we will have an early release at 12:30 PM to allow our staff to attend a funeral service. Thank you for your understanding.
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Events for the Week of September 23rd: -Monday, September 23rd: --No School for Students -Tuesday, September 24th: --Bandit & Pirate Cross Country at Wheeler --Beginning of 2nd 6 Weeks -Thursday, September 26th: --Report Card Day -Friday, September 27th: --1st 6 Weeks Awards Assembly: ------Elementary at 8:20am ------JH & HS at 9:15am --Bandit Football vs. Motley County at Matador at 5:00pm --Pirate Football vs. Motley County at Matador at 7:00pm
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Our Floral Design class is taking orders for mums and garters in front of the school today until 6:00pm! They will only be taking orders for a few more days, so be sure to order yours before it’s too late!
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
To purchase tickets for the game this week in Silverton, please use the link below.
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Open House the is scheduled for tomorrow, September 10th has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
Events for the Week of September 9th: -Monday, September 9th: --Mini Cheer Camp 4:00-5:15pm -Tuesday, September 10th: --Mini Cheer Camp 4:00-5:15pm -Wednesday, September 11th: --Mini Cheer Camp 4:00-5:15pm --Friday, September 13th: --PepRally Theme: Pirate Spirit --PepRally at 3:15pm (Including Mini Cheer) --Mini Cheer Performance at Football Game --Bandit Football v. Holy Cross at Lefors at 5:00pm --Pirate Football v. Holy Cross at Lefors at 7:00pm
5 months ago, Lefors ISD
As we kick off the football season, we want to take a moment to remind everyone of our expectations to ensure that all fans have an enjoyable and respectful experience at our games. Your support and enthusiasm are what make our events special, and we want to maintain a positive atmosphere for everyone.
6 months ago, Lefors ISD
Fan Expectations